Saturday, June 1, 2019

Libra Horoscope: Discover Your Zodiac Sign Personalities

Libra Horoscope

Those born under the Libra horoscope, the Scales, have a wonderful balance between characteristics (September 24-October 23). They are diplomatic and urban, romantic and lovely, idealist and peaceful. Even their darker features are not so awful. They can be flirtatious, influential and uncertain. Curiously, Libra is an inanimate object, the Scale, which is the only symbol of the Zodiac. An animal, sea creature or person represents every other sign.

Libra is the first sign of the Great Year for astrologers and took place between 15,000 and 13,000 BCE. It marked the dawn of Man and his condition over and above the fundamental mechanisms of survival. This is the date of the monumental cave paintings of Lascaux. It also marks people's appearance in the Americas, from the Bering Strait to North America.

This Sun sign makes good lawyers and judges, as the justice scale represented by Libra. They can stand up and take a critical, objective look at situations. They are among the most civilized signs, including elegance and culture.

As a partner, Libras are prepared to reverse their efforts to resolve a problem friendly. A Gemini is the best match for a Libra. It is not compatible with Capricorns, since Capricorns like a little more excitement in life. You're not going to find Libra sitting out all the sure dances! You can find Libra's company a pleasure to enjoy, very easy and pleasant. Even if they go out, they are surprisingly tranquil.

John Lennon and Jenny Lind, the Swedish singer, are well-known librarians. Doris Lessing, Luciano Pavarotti, Oscar Wilde and Johnny Carson have enriched our artistic lives.

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